5 Things You Need To Do When Someone Leaves You. By Lisa Conway-Hughes
15th March 2020

When your world is turned upside down, sorting out the money is usually the last thing you want to tackle.
However, after helping people with their divorces for over 15 years, I often find that it can be very empowering and offer a lot of clarity of what the future may hold once it’s done. So here is a to do list to get you started. Don’t feel you have to do it all at once, just set yourself achievable little tasks so that it actually becomes a rewarding experience (yes really).
- Compile a list or spreadsheet of everything that you own or owe. This will be helpful too for when you sit down with your solicitor and/or financial adviser.
- Start to work out what your new life is going to cost. You might be feeling far from positive at the moment but it is really important that you make this as accurate as possible. If you are not sure about all the costs speak to friends and family members who have a similar standard of living about their outgoings. This to will prove really helpful when sitting down with an adviser or solicitor
- If you feel that you are procrastinating, who is the person that springs to mind when I say words like “organised, proactive and sensible”? Could this person be your money buddy to help you through the next few months?
- If you think you would like to speak to a financial adviser find one that talks your language, especially if you haven’t looked after the money before. Speak to friends for recommendations or look on www.unbiased.co.uk. It is important that the adviser is independent and also well qualified. You shouldn’t feel uncomfortable to ask questions to help you to understand
- Go through your asset list and order up to date statements for all your accounts, debts, investments and pensions. If you think that you may have lost pensions along the way, you can check using the government’s pension tracing service – click here. Currently there is £400m in lost pensions so it’s well worth investigating.
Take a deep breath and start with small steps. I understand it’s a challenge, but it will make you feel calmer and more empowered once you start I promise.
Click here to visit Lisa’s website MissLolly.com