I didn’t tell a soul what he had done.

Thank you for inspiring me and for sharing your story.

Hi Rosie,

I already follow you on Instagram and have listened to your podcast and now it’s great to see you have a website too. My family tell me I should write a blog and one day I might just do that. When I reflect on this past year I can’t believe what I’ve been through and where I am now- I feel stronger, healthier (mind & body) and more independent than I ever thought possible.

I’m 48 now and was 18 when I met my ex husband (we’re still married but separated in June 2019.) I found out he was having an affair in July 2018, so I spent the best part of a year ‘trying to make the marriage work’, only to discover in April 2019 that he was still seeing his mistress.

The extent of his deceit is worthy of a novel and he even managed to make me feel like it was my fault that he embarked on the affair in the first place. I now recognise that he was a controlling, narcissistic, egotistical idiot!

Opening up to friends and family has been a huge part of my healing journey

The worse mistake I made, apart from believing that he had ended the affair was that I didn’t tell a soul what he had done and kept it all to myself until April last year. That was not healthy and I would never do that to myself again.

Opening up to friends and family has been a huge part of my healing journey. Almost a year on, I’m happy and thriving. So many doors have opened up for me personally and professionally.

Thank you for inspiring me and for sharing your story.


See Also

A readers reply…

This is very heartening to read, as I’ve finally called time on my marriage two and a half months after finding out about my husband’s year-long affair.

I’m glad I didn’t rush into it as those weeks gave me important clarity that he won’t change, and that I’m worth way more than that!

I already feel lighter in making the decision, and while I know they’ll be some tough times ahead, I feel confident about the future.

Thank you for sharing your story x

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