With no proof of my husband’s infidelities am I insanely paranoid…?
16th December 2024
Dear Rosie,
Life’s Rosie has made me feel seen!!
I’ve lived on the cusp of knowing but not really “knowing” of my husband’s infidelities for 14 years. No “proof” has left me questioning if I’m insanely paranoid, but deep down I know. I just don’t “know”.
And ignorance is bliss isn’t it? Is it? Just a constant tiny rodent of a gut feeling gnawing away at our marriage.
I always tell myself that when I have the undeniable proof I’ll leave. But then will avoid finding out the truth when the opportunity is right there in front of me.
Anyway, this email is therapy enough for me right now. And reading others stories has made me feel less alone,
Beatrice x